Amasa and Kyle
The siblings live in a martial, centrally-governed society with many far flung satellites (alike to Mesoamerican Aztec or Roman society), of which their village is a part. It is likely that their geographic location would correspond to somewhere in today's Mediterranean locale.
There is a meritocratic class system: while the martial arts are taught from a young age and military service is compulsory, education is also highly prized. Migration from one class to another is largely based on, but not limited to, one's station of birth. Both the truly gifted and the truly determined can endlessly improve their lot in life.
Proctors are assigned to manage administrative regions, such as a collection of villages, a ward, or a county. [ed.: note the definition of proctor, so applicable to a system of government which combines religious and political power]. They answer in turn, to a hierarchical system of government crowned by ... [ed.: ??? do we have a full-on, Iranian-style theocracy here ? is there any element of a federal democracy, as might be an option in the case where a powerful central power has gradually assimilated multiple lesser powers of varying cultures ?]
There is a meritocratic class system: while the martial arts are taught from a young age and military service is compulsory, education is also highly prized. Migration from one class to another is largely based on, but not limited to, one's station of birth. Both the truly gifted and the truly determined can endlessly improve their lot in life.
Proctors are assigned to manage administrative regions, such as a collection of villages, a ward, or a county. [ed.: note the definition of proctor, so applicable to a system of government which combines religious and political power]. They answer in turn, to a hierarchical system of government crowned by ... [ed.: ??? do we have a full-on, Iranian-style theocracy here ? is there any element of a federal democracy, as might be an option in the case where a powerful central power has gradually assimilated multiple lesser powers of varying cultures ?]
[Ed. note: More on this after the jump....but for now:
- Amasa sees addicts for the first time on her visit to the main city, where she is taken by Rsforin. Describe them in detail - they are Gypsies - without letting on that they are addicts, just describe their physical appearance and compulsive behaviour. More on the substance they are using, how they ingest it, and its connection with magic/the spirit world, will follow later. And remember to save some shizzle for book two !]
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