
Another Story Idea

Boy finds girl. Boy loses girl due to own stupidity. Boy and girl live apart for years. During that time boy goes wild (drugs, drink, women) despite a sucessful career. Something Happens. Boy realizes still loves girl and sets out to find her. Along the way he meets many interesting ppl. one of whom is another girl who helps him in his quest. Boy finds girl. Boy realizes he was in love with love, not this girl. He loves the new girl.


Story Idea

Buddy is unhappily married - sexual hangups cerated in childood have persisted thru adulthood, plus his conservative wife disapprovesof the unconventional in the bedroom. Seeking excitement external to his marriage, he falls into a pattern of desctructive thrill-seeking behavior (peeping @ girls @ work -> peep shows). He meets a seemingly sweet-souled hooker who goads him on and turns him on to drugs. He becomes a raving fiend who does her evil bidding (to the point of murder ?). Does he end up killing her ?


YAnSI (Yet Another Story Idea)

  • Open with housewife finding her young daughter dying, brutally beten. Her anguish evident, she's inconsolable, blames herself
  • Flashback to the daughter and her love for the mother but fear of Aunt X., who secretly torments her
  • We see mother being led away in handcuffs, her head bowed
  • Flashback to mother's childhood and abuse by her mother which led her to develop two personalities, one with very specific tics/characteristics (not necessarily physical, she could have arranged the house differently). One of which eventually killed her own daughter

Add to this: the personality of Aunt X. may have been a way for the mother to act out her sexy, uninhibited, rebellious side in which she was immune to the carried pain of her childhood and an absent, philandering husband. And just so, the daughter may have begun to develop an alternate personality as well to cope with Aunt X. (meek, acquiescent, the docile conflict-avoiding child).